
Each and every text you find on this page was directed by me <no foolish> to some organization, institution, governments, philanthropist etc.
I give you an insight into some part of my daily work.
No matter what obstacles, problems you create or you throw at my feet.
Many of you remember my words:
"Don't throw logs at my feet, because you don't even know that I'm running to save your life."

I wasn't lying.
I publish here the freshes and those what I have without seeking in my datas.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

Assalam Alaikum.
I will glow how long I can be Me. <In answer to Sheikh's words>
Thats why I will go to HumanBotic Original Body for around 30 years. At this time I with You all, around the World <every nation> have to spend to preparing, organizing, checking, controlling, testing etc.
Dear Sheikh I am in need of historical authentic books <where I can write down my notes> with history of every single country before British Terror World Invasion, what you know as well from Holy Quran, it can bring terrible War on everyone. I have to analize everything and decode Real World Order, this safety one, not this tragedy what is now everywhere: hunger, epidemiological danger, economical disaster, bombs, culture tragedy and ruin, poinsons, social disorders and many others plagues which bring World and everyone to Death not Heaven and spiritual immortality <guarantee for reincarnation>. Reincarnation was created because of God. God must live and stay here with Earth and everyone because of God energy. If this energy will gone like people are dying will be disaster. Is like someoone die, takes piece of World with. God is Genesis, means 100%. 

I would like tell you why Hitler <noone knows why> "hates" intelligent people and Jerusalem people. Like you know Jacob and David Nation are talking about than they are "chosen". Yes they are. Thats why because of my body and natural functions of blood I am able to fuse impossible weight of quantum energy <really many miliards kilotons> to bring back souls <They are living in God, thats one of reasons why God is Genius. Do you understand this Honour? And why Rzeczpospolita is not republic? God never give up <Republika "biała flaga">. God use canvas to create "Beauty from Picture">, energy or repair like also destroy. God really want create beauty for everyone, because God wants than God Love <also narcism> is beauty all the time and in perfect condition. I am not chosen. I am Right One. My heavenly Body with Heavenly Blood makes me able to "read", you call it sometimes "be medium". Like you see only I can tell you truth on untouchables argues and facts. Did you think why? Is also time what everyone around the World start call me like they should. Sky is really high. Heaven especially. Like also be to me like you should in acompaniament of those real.

I would like to invite you to look at TikTok there I make story in use more words in My Language. <OMNIA "I dont speak Human">. I dont work for any King, any Queen, any Royals etc. They work for me. I work for God. Those book what I did return yesterday I did signed very well than I defend God's place <Queen "In my defense">. I did give my Body to God than God can take in this evolution moment what God's is in Karma Law. Thats why I have also Maria name because from body <structure and blood, HumanBotic> will be reborn and born God. Thats is reason why I really can say many things with forget about my gender. Like this than I can call myself God and its true. Structure of my body and blood give me unbelieveable possibilities to connect with everysingle kind of an energy like also control your brain <in some meaning>. I know than someoone is working to break safety system in my blood <makes live blood cells longer not to make me more healthy and in better condition or be able read something longer. So why? To implant my blood longer life cells into someoones bloodsystem with antibiotics which has got function to adapt transplantion part. I dont agree. I dare call somebody what did choice way like this suicider,moron, cretin etc. Why? Because it is fact.

Like you also see I dont come like Britain and terrorise everyone because I am Who and what I am. I talk, explain, teach, learn, bring those light into dark. This impulse which push you further in yourown evolution and awerness how much wonderfull you are. And think than you are such a tragedy quality of "Like a God" <Created in some sense in the image of God >.

I say it not like information to use by yourself around the World. I inform because God wants take Right place. In Peace.

HH Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

I would like to say...

I text here because after control my posts I have to say than hackers dont want give up. Is many changes in text what I did publish like also texting to you was not without problems. Before I start I would like say thank you for this what you, like a Representant of Nation do to me and My Destination. It will be many words so because of limits here,u will receive few messages from me. Like you know necessary is create real Peace around the Earth like also in Space. Result is always the same. Save life. In order of this I did start, when I was a child, Fusion SMART. In other words is Final World Order <NEw World Order>. Is not an accident than I have this blood mutation, I have paranormal telepathic skills what is prooved enough, Sophia and Fusion...Music System....Everything. Is necessary than You get an knowledge what was happened yesterday. Many tried make copy and manipulate system, it makes really difficult conditions to work to me, but this wha was happened yesterday was without manipulation.

I would like to tell you what happened yesterday. Well, as you know, in the European part <where Evolution gave the world a White Representative of the Human Race, the Slavs>, in traditional circles, the Festival of Forefathers' Day is celebrated. It is a Magical Day, a day when souls are released and roam freely.
I started the day with work, after a very sleepless night. After work, I started "HomeDay", a day for home, for care, cleaning, energy cleansing, for plants, for everything connected with the Home. I also managed to find a little bit for myself. Then, when my place was clean, fragrant and ready for the Ritual Night, I went shopping.
I do not hide, I went to the House of God <one of many>. I started logging in to the Quantum Energy System. I put the music on, just no track selection, no ordering etc, no manipulation on my part. Same as if I turned on the radio.
I have achieved such a level of quantum energetic synchronization that every word I said "softly" and aloud had a very clear and legible translation in the reactions of nature <birds, insects, animals without humanoids, wind and rain> as well as in music, as to the word and notes.
After reaching the appropriate level of energy, I go to my place of residence. By bicycle.
During the tour, I placed the <pink color> water bottle diagonally, descending to the right from the top left. Moments later, the rain began to blow, slashing in exactly the same direction as the bottle was placed in my handy, black container on the bicycle handlebar.
The logarithm was very stable.
When I arrived where I live, nothing special happened until I approached my house with a green yard. Broken solar lights don't work. They started to glow, the wind suddenly broke. There was no rain for a while, it stopped. I knocked on my wooden, unpainted gate and said it was "me". The light went out, the wind died down.
Before I entered the house as was the custom of the day, I walked around my green backyard, greeting the crops I have here <small, symbolic>. I went to the hedge <żywopłot, in my language: żywo - life, płot - fence, symbol of life>. On the one hand, it withers and dies. The rain does not meet the needs. I said: "So much rain and no water, we'll fix it soon. That's why a garden hose was created. For such needs." I went to get the hose. As soon as the first drops of water appeared in the hose of the hose, at the same time as lightning the rain began. So I went to the hedge again, saying the words from the movie "Sami Swoi": "Come now, come to the fence as I do" and I started to feed the drying parts of the hedge with water.

To be continued...

United Nations, Gov RP, Gov NL, Rector of Silesian University RP, Rector of Maastricht University NL, Saudi Arabia <United Arab Emirates>

I am writing to you not only on national but also on World issues.
I kindly ask you to read the content on the following website very carefully:
I am asking for feedback on what levels you are able to support.
I would like to mention that I have been operating in the lowest social levels for a long time as this cannot be called life"


"Hello Francis,

I am addressing you on matters of decisively World importance. Exactly I mean World Peace and lead societies out of intellectual darkness, including intellectual.
Please, read the overall content of the website. The address is below.
Please also visit the site regularly to keep up-to-date with the latest information.
I would also like to receive information on what levels the Vatican is going to support World Peace, and thus when the Jesusonists will step down from the illegally seized World Throne?
I expect an immediate response with the safety of my life and health.
You can use contact form on website."

Sint Petrus Kerk, Conservatorium

"I warmly welcome,

I am writing to you with a request and offer in one. Namely, I received information about many problems of the future Cathedral in Venray <Church of St. Piotr>, which it is not known for what reasons it was to be converted into a restaurant. Fortunately, thanks to my intervention, such a scandal did not happen. The next in the Netherlands, many have already happened in other places across the country.
As BB of the Green Revolution Original, I am also chairing the World Peace Action which aims to bring the ultimate religious and denominational order to and around this Planet. Why also. For many years I have been optimizing companies and making them function according to the rules.
More information on this can be found on the website <Address in footer>.

I decided to continue my intervention by cutting off the possibility of careerists reaching for my success.
Namely, I offer full patronage over the Church. By this it should be understood that I will manage it. I will bring the Church to its original functional and organizational form, making citizens willing to attend it, because eventually they will have what for. They will eventually find in God's House what they should have received a long time ago.
Moreover, the spatial development of the Church and the area belonging to the Church.
Organization of the work of the Church and cooperation with local business units and representative offices of state institutions.

The church will become the beating heart of Venray.
I also envisage the modernization necessary to keep the building in the correct energy structure ensuring long-term operation and durability.
It will be necessary to remove the Church from the Vatican's jurisdiction and put it under the care of Green Revolution Original.
I also regret another scandalous transformation at AnnaPark. Such transformations violate the inviolable law of sacred architecture, which is the only shelter and security in times of a possible war. It is an international law, it applies to any kind of House of God, regardless of the direction of religion. Nobody has the right to violate the Laws of God and thus the Houses of God and everything that is God.Disregarding the subject of ownership. These buildings are also the heritage of civilization, each of them is classified as a monument without exception. New architectural structures, despite their small age, are also classified as historic monuments to ensure protection. Converting such places for public use not in accordance with the original version will ultimately lead to notorious renovations <due to savings and constant devastation due to improper use>. Moreover, society will greatly distort the understanding and application of the term "Respect" by definition. Already in society, the behavior of adolescents, young adults is alarming, and it also occurs in adults and the elderly. Prolonged use of these types of social measures will generate a social anarchy that is peacefully unmanageable. It will lead to the World Holocaust again.
I wish I could prevent it."

Cannabis Bureau

"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am asking you with a great request to pay attention to the availability of products with marijuana extracts, including those containing CBD.
Recently, there has been a revolution in this area, but it is nevertheless necessary to maintain the necessary security measures.I pointed out that the products are available in self-service stores, where customers can not obtain reliable information about the product and, consequently, choose the right product for their needs. Products should be sold in the same way as the sale of tobacco products, lighters, fireworks, alcohol and other products intended for people over 18 years of age. Like weed in coffeeshops. However, I am of the opinion that recreational marijuana, for recreational using should be available from the age of 21, because of development of humans bodies and brains.I understand that such a possibility exists because of educated clients, but let's not forget about unqualified financial planners and managerial staff in companies that, in good or bad, will order products for very low quality customers, exposing users to a large extent.There are points where you can get specific without problems and immediately receive the necessary information, because in large part people who know each other work in such places.I am asking you to pay attention to this issue because it is about the health and life of users.
That's why I am very happy about the existence of coffeeshop in the Netherlands, thanks to which smokers have care."

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