Where does the thread split?


One of the major problems facing societies in the world today is the lack of genetic self-acceptance.

Paradoxically, the so-called healthy people, but are they really healthy?

Why is this happening?
I know the subject very well myself, from the so-called lining. I learned it the hard way, thanks to my genetic mutation. For a change, <laughs>.

What is it actually about?

Well, my beloved, people with real sympathy for me as well as the ominous one, people with different coding in some part of the genetic chain, as you know perfectly well, are under strict medical care. Unfortunately, not in every corner of this Planet <very much sadness>.

During treatment, or even medical care itself, people with a deformed body, pseudo intellectual retardation <pseudo because not all>, Down syndrome, Autistic people and some other differences are under the close supervision of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. It doesn't mean that there is something wrong with them.
People of this type impart <in different ways, professional or not> knowledge of existence, equality and difference, thus causing patients to be much more aware of existence, existence, emotional intelligence and intelligence itself.
People of this type do not suffer from racism, homophobia, pedophilia and other degenerations that are definitely harmful.

Has it been translated to them what they are individually and socially, and in the right way?
Not always, because the effect is always what counts. Not for me.
Everything is important to me, especially the methods.

But where do such erroneous forms of communication come from?
Definitely not understanding.

The aforementioned lack of understanding is due to the anatomical difference, also at the cellular level, which requires specialists to play a role in order to feel and try, at least with a hint of how the patient thinks, comprehends and perceives.
It is much more difficult than understanding a newborn baby who is crying and screaming and trying to say something while waving his hands to it.
Everything is based on grouping similarities, determining similarities, analyzing similarities, concluding similarities, and manipulating similarities, sometimes even creations.
Human-like creatures love to take God's place and claim rights to it.

Relatively recently, during my work with the public, I told my future Companion about what I would do when I took the Crown of the World given to me in the DNA code.
They were very surprised that Future Monarch was going to adopt a child with autism.

Well, what is autism?

Autism is the visible, tangible result of a systemic loop that manifests itself in the realization of DNA as the autism syndrome.
It is a set of interacting genetically conditioned differences that together form a parallel system in which the Carrier functions.

People with autism are not withdrawn because of their ability to understand <different energy spin in exposure, other quantum, different energy string in exposure ...> they progress more slowly out of caution in making a move.

Due to the fact that the autism syndrome has a very tight connection to the parallel as well as the coordinate, main electrical system of the body, the faster <dominant> system has to wait to reach the point of coherent reaction-interaction of the slower system. That is why children with autism "hang".
Depending on the complexity of the system loop contained in the genetic code of the Autism Bearer, we distinguish different stages of advancement.
When the mutation is dominant for the standard DNA code <standard abnormalities: hair, skin, beauty, breasts, sex, etc.> there is a slight degree of autism, or moderate. Then, most of the Carriers do not have deformed bodies, there are minor mutations in the area of ​​the mouth, hands and wrists as well as ankles, cervical spine.
Carriers of heavier and very advanced types of autism experience a body spin. Most of them find it difficult to move around on their own, they do not speak and have hearing problems.
It is possible to remedy this and make the patient benefit from suffering.
I have not yet sufficiently isolated energy units and possible system breakdowns, enabling the treatment with sound waves and magnetic and static waves of patients, helping them to reach the cohesive points of the electrical system and thus unblock their bodies and minds.

Why is it a loop?

The mere perception of two planes in parallel is sufficiently looped, adding the magic of genetic combinatorics, we get an explosive cocktail. To obtain this cocktail, it was necessary to perform several biological, mathematical and chemical operations, the results of which give the next loops.

What if a hair splits?

Same thing that happens in some sense to the Autism Carrier DNA strand.

But where and how do they split?

Is it literally or figuratively?

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