This animal magnetism ... Do you have it too?


The oldest and most enduring chain in the world, what is it?

Made of more durable, stronger materials and, in parallel, of the most delicate and fragile.

We have admired the craftsmanship of this Artist Blacksmith since time immemorial for us.

Why is this chain still going on?

Some call it love, some call it electromagnetism, some call it electrostatism, others call it "that something".
There are many names. However, there is one that explains everything and everything.

The most complex architectural structure of all time.

If you look at the first picture, you can see that the DNA strand looks like twisted rails or stairs.

What for, for whom, for whom these stairs, rails?
Take a look at the next drawing I attached to this post. Note that this chain consists of many parts, links. And this is a discovery!

If you want the bike to go you have to build a chain, if you want to go high ... you need stairs.

Every step, every link in the chain emits waves. Exactly the same as the joyful or choppy waves of the Oceans, Seas.
You can see the visualization in the next picture.

But where does it come from?

The question is exactly the same about the waves of the Oceans and Seas, and even the wind.
Like a car, you have to assemble from many complicated, sometimes not, parts into one coherent working whole. You have to piece the DNA together too.
As you know, the engine of the car emits heat during operation, the wheels reacting with the ground create friction <so that, for example, you "don't fly" on sharp turns>. The same is true for DNA syntax molecules.

Imagine that each of the balls shown in the picture gives off clouds of water vapor around it.
Water vapor is an electromagnetic field.
The grouped spheres together create a field of greater mass and range as well as the generated energy.
Each of them has the ability to attract and repel.
It is this ability that causes genetic mutations and differences called diseases to occur.

But what are these diseases?

Are you sure diseases?

Most of them cannot be called disease phenomena. This genetic event should correctly be referred to as another type of genetic evolution.


The basis for this is the property of attraction and repulsion.
During the creation of DNA, molecules function in an actosystem, in other words in the ActoWorld, invisible to the lens of the humanoid eye.
This environment is characterized by completely different masses, energies, and thus also electrostatic properties.
If the process of creating DNA is carried out under inappropriate conditions, erroneous reactions take place and the result is a different coding result than in the standard DNA chain system. These differences are rarely visible optically and concern the energy sphere of the organism. Body bioenergy.

It is very well visible in people with autism, because most of them function in at least two parallel energy environments, but in one world. Illustrating ... a lion.
A lion is a lion, lion is made for the life of a Lion, but what if the Lion is also a Monkey? A monkey in the body of a lion, two in one.
A formed body testifies to the dominant environment. The bioenergy sphere is already a mystery and an extremely individual matter.
As is well known, the body of a lion is not adapted to grooming and jumping on trees.

Therefore, a kind of internal conflict of the organism arises, it manifests itself in different ways.

The only possibility that can bring relief to Multiple Carriers is the neuroanatomy of black matter and antimatter particles.

Knowledge of the environment and behavior brings the understanding that is necessary for contact and understanding that brings relief.

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