The coffee was served to the square table. For you in QbQ .
QbQ = cup
Literally "a moment ago" I returned to the whole day of work. I put what I need into the pot <on the occasion of God's Birthday, Green Pea Soup. I regret that not the recipe from which it should be, I do not care because this is just the beginning of the Celebration, and it is one of the basic meals at this time>.
I made myself a coffee <to refresh myself, so as not to fall asleep until the day was finished, especially since today is Saturday. In other words "Home Day".>
I sat on the porch that I literally seized "a moment for myself". On this occasion, I decided to place the phalanx bones in the correct place, due to the manual system of work.
Why am I telling you about this?
Well... for a long time I have been looking for the right path.
I try every one that meets all legal requirements in every respect.
I must admit that thanks to these "attempts", and more precisely the actual actions I undertook, I managed to "speak to the mind" of many, many.
I do not hesitate to call it the crowd. Or maybe ... the Reich?
To the point.
Why what you call "nonsense", "bullshit", "not worthy of interest", "crap" and many other synonymous epithets, nouns, adjectives, is more important to you than your life.
My job is to bring order everywhere and in everything and among everyone and everything. This means that I not only clean but also put it back in the right place. Then I take care of it and maintain it.
Look at it this side ...
Your body "is" planet Earth, the planet something live on.
A planet that made it possible to build a house, eat, wash, soothe desires.
What happens when someone shoots firecrackers a few millimeters from your skin?
What happens to your skin and then to your entire body when you are burned by chemicals, not only outside but also inside?
What happens to your body when doctors would take out an internal organ by an internal organ because they just want it and that's it?
What happens when a louse or flea plague appears on your hair?
What happens to your gut when the tapeworm eats up piece by piece, or some other parasite of this type?
What happens to your brain when you listen to deafening bangs, explosions, loud and noisy music all the time?
What happens to your tooth when decay eats it piece by piece?
What happens to your body when you have dislocated bones or torn limbs?
And now...
If hypothetically, your Organism is Planet Earth.
Planet Earth is your skin, kidney or other internal organ, skin with hair, intestines, surroundings, body.
You are shooting firecracker, chemicals, surgeon psychpath, lice or flea, tapeworm, bang, explosion, loud and noisy music, tooth decay, bone not in place or an incomplete / damaged limb.
Consider. Isn't it worth changing?
Consider. Wouldn't you like to be for this Planet like a soothing bath after a hard day, bringing relief and relief?
Consider. Wouldn't you like to be for this Planet like sweet watermelon juices chilled on a hot day / evening?
Consider. Wouldn't you like to be like refreshing chilled non-carbonated water with ice, fresh mint and fresh fruit juices that not only cools but also nourishes and which everyone is still missing, which everyone wants to live?
Consider. This is the last chance.
Because I am already the Waters for this Planet.
The Forests that protect it from the Sun in its delicate and sensitive places.
I am the Light that care than She don't feel cold and She can not be lost in the dark.
I am the Winds that at all times of the day and night cares that the Queen of the Universe does not feel beautiful, that she will feel and be.
I am everything to Her as She is to Me.