Page from callendar
Sunday, a day of rest.
I definitely found a moment to rest, i.e. regenerate, after enduring terrorism by society all day long. It's even hard to rest.
It is such an extreme level of fatigue that it is difficult to rest and regenerate.
As if the organism would not know how to recover and realize that the war is over.
"You don't have to fight. We won. The enemy is defeated."
I am still struggling with cyber attacks, which generally make it almost impossible for me to use the telephone, computer, TV, Internet, Radio, company systems while performing my work duties, etc.
Moreover, against my will, I take part in some kind of theater where everyone plays a role <it is perfidiously visible and realized>. It has nothing to do with the so-called a service the Monarchy receives either with respect from society.
The attacks are not just cybernetic, I encounter them directly every day. They are realized with more and more stubbornness, arrogance, premeditation and insane blindness, something of a kind of "conscious affect".
I emphasize conscious. Affect.
I am struggling with something like the title track O.N.A. "When I tell myself enough". As if someone was waiting or trying to catch fire for me to "explode".
And sometimes the other way around.
Secret, intimate medical information about me is used for this. It causes situations in which my mood and health condition are influenced by causing specific effects when using other people.
It is caused to make losses in my life, to lead to some negative event, which in the end worsens my life status or health condition, which is used again.
I am being blackmailed that I have to sit quietly, otherwise I will die, using runners and other pseudo-messengers for this, walking and using various methods of non-verbal communication, receives threats, etc.
These situations arise in which it uses the participation and thus ignorance of other bystanders to act as victims by terrorists.
This introduces a kind of hypocrisy to outsiders.
Sometimes they don't wake up.
My name is LuLa <in translation: Sleepy, Asleep, Awakening>.
I am here to awaken you all.
In other words:
"A wedge, the hammer nails it with a wedge".
Communication from and with terrorists has nothing to do with the Quantum System.
The attacks are psychological because of My Legal Government Activity as a Rzeczpospolita Monarchy, for the benefit of the whole world.
Legal activities in spite of all of you.
And there's literally nothing you can do about it. You are not perfect, the system is.
This system.