Gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść. Language: eng, pl
<Oficjalny Język Administracyjny Monarchii Rzeczpospolita Polska>
During my many years of work on World's New Order, that is, the introduction of the Final Correct Organization and Functioning of the World from the side of not only the so-called government administration, but also social and religious, many times I got stuck in the so-called I, as the Crown Monarch of the Rzeczpospolita and the Rzeczpospolita Poland, had to 'face' in some sense.
This is due to the fact that each sector necessary for the existence of any life on planet Earth, including planet Earth, is conditioned by flawed legal regulations and sensible laws, not to mention the sick mental system in which all the nations of the world live.
For this reason, it was decided to create a uniform law for each country on planet Earth. The Universal Constitution of Rights and Duties on the planet Earth is not only a source of law and common knowledge.
It is the first universal law of a planetary scope, as the first fully regulating, explaining, governing also in the matter of extraterrestrial space.
Moreover, as the first document, also of a civil application, it fully regulates, explains and educates about the essence of God.
No law on planet Earth, universally ratified, regulates directly the question of the existence of God, no law outside the Constitution of the Monarchy of the Rzeczpospolita Poland.
Monarchy Rzeczpospolita also acts as an indispensable factor regulating the problem of managing the world economy, establishing a one-person decision-making and ownership board.
History proves again and again in accordance with the saying: "Where cook six, there is nothing to eat.".