Final Caution


I am speaking mainly to humanoid mammals, mistakenly called human(s), people aka homo sapiens, whose intellectual ignorance interwoven with irrational ambitions and psychopathic ego, if not blocked and punished, will not only lead to my death.

My death is the death of this planet and thus yours.
It's just a matter of not so long anymore.
As I have informed many times, I am the Only Representative of the Government of Rzeczpospolita <without Poland in the name>, the World Monarchy which, under a social agreement, implements
the Final World Order.

On dark intellectual creatures ... I explain once.
I will not repeat, therefore it has the form of a publication, whatever. As always, I used to do.

Social agreement/deal means:

- United Nations Charter

It is a social agreement concluded on behalf of the societies of each State, without exception, formal and informal <therefore some States have subordinated others, including territories> by representatives of these societies. The representatives of societies are elected by society as a result of, for example, open voting. Another option is the so-called Royal family. They're just a few <usually somehow genetically related> that keep things in a certain order because that's what they were called to do.

If not the United Nations Charter then:

- the natural right to believe

it is given to everyone, without exception, outside the Convention on Human Rights.

- a natural right to one's own life

it is given to everyone, without exception, outside the Convention on Human Rights. This means that if you believe that a figurine with a specific shape, and sometimes even a color, is your life guide, and you accept the figurine's symbol as Your Private Revelation of God. God has given you a piece of himself to guide you.
Others believe it is the sun. However, it is completely different with humanoids. In other words, alpha is one thing in everything.

Therefore there is one Sun, One Saturn, One Poseidon, etc., although each of them has different nicknames. Just like you, in different social groups.

Anyway, if not the Charter of the United Nations, the Right to believe or to one's own life, although there are many others, always but always it all comes down to the word:

- God.

The above, therefore, you can treat as information that I do not have to "bargain" or "make a deal" with anyone, with any company.

And if you have a grudge against me doing my job despite how much you make me difficult, and you openly risk my health and life.

First you attack me and then you go around, you call, you do scandals, how much you are injured.


The fact that there comes a time when I stop tolerating it and start telling the truth, brutally but culturally and calmly, but with the highest resolve?

The fact that the so-called karma?

How you begin to feel your terrorism on your own?

The fact that your party, fun and entertainment ended at my expense?

The fact that you have a problem with yourself, not being able to accept yourself and your place in the herd?

Blame yourself.

Not me.

So, once you understand that formally, legally, I am Who I Am. I require you to start applying.

And also, if something is not clear in the legal explanation but should not, please use the contact form on the "Contact" subpage.

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