Faith asks and God sends messages.


1. If the world were simple and understandable, no one would ask what will happen in the future.

Why doesn't anyone understand?

The misunderstanding with which God has to deal is reaching its zenith. Let us begin by understanding the revelations, logic, and metology of God. In order to be able to explain it to you, God called me to life and gave me what God gave, because you are not worthy <everyone has hurt God very much>. In my opinion, the very possibility of understanding God and God's Plans, all messages and revelations for me is, in itself, an amazing honor that God has distinguished me - a woman - among all women and men of the world.
That's why I started to publish decoded texts a few years ago, according to the availability of the media, because my personal work ceased to satisfy the scale of the mass that began to be interested in it.
Undoubtedly, the representation of the House of God on Earth, the Church faces a very important moment in her entire life. A decision moment that is able to activate the apocalyptic mechanisms repeatedly announced in many revelations, texts, transcripts and other types of Scriptures about the Life of God and His Work.
The Church is currently facing a decisive test of faith concerning only the Church. As a coherent Institution of All Faiths and Religious Directions.
Many years ago globally, the population of humanoid mammals and people<in mistake "humans"> failed the God's test of faith, the effects of which the world and everything that God has created feel to this day.
If the Church begins to understand metology, logic and what God wants, God's grace will flow into and there will be peace, forever.
At the beginning, a question should be asked whether the Church understands, knows Who, What is God?

2. Why is the world the way it is?

Now, if the world is to be understood as Planet Earth, then I must say that I do not fully understand the question.
However, I will answer as follows.
Planet Earth itself is a Miracle, a Beauty that surprises every second of her life.
Planet Earth is ruined, deprived, exhausted, tired of the lack of understanding and adaptation of the world's societies, including Governments and Churches.
However, if the question is about questions like: why do we live in such a sick, unjust world? The answer is otherwise.
Well, it is a kind of lesson with an element of punishment <it must be said that God showed a very great Grace> from which society, Governments and Churches should draw conclusions. However, they are very far from this. The Church is plunged in darkness and sin, teaching but not understanding.
That is why God sent the Body of the Monarch, the Monarch <me> to educate everyone and everything, to prepare for the Final Coming of God, who will also literally be born from my body and mind. Therefore, as the saying goes, "time is out".

3. What is waiting for everyone and everything in the future?

It is extremely difficult to answer this question unambiguously, while giving a very clear, understandable picture to everyone. The reasons for this are facts resulting from the fulfillment of revelations, some I enjoy or not be a Hero. The person who fulfills the Will of God by anointing. More on this topic on the published blog, entirely by my authorship.
In fact, you have two options, or to listen to the Queen and soothe the Pains, Sorrows, Worries of God, making me feel Loved, Needed, Well-groomed. Needed not as a "whip" but as a loving Lord, caring with love and not anger.
You can also choose the second option ... Disobey the Queen <Queen of Genetic Rzeczpospolita> and lead to the fall of God, during which becomes Satan, the Executioner who will do God's apocalyptic Will, bringing the final punishment to the guilty humanoid Mammals and the innocent Queen of the World, the planet , Flora and Fauna, so beloved and devoted to God, humble and obedient.

4. "Who knows does not answer questions". Is God silent or not?

As I mentioned in the answer to the first question, understanding.
If you manage to instruct the Churches of the World and convert again to the Path of God and to God's Graces, which will then arrive in accordance with God's Will, it will be understandable to the public how silly you are towards God.

5. What does it mean that the Polan Lands are "especially beloved"?

Through many revelations, officially recognized by the main denominational currents around the world, information is conveyed about the special role of Poland in the service of God and about the special feeling has been endowed with.
Poland as the only country in the world received the Official Patronage of God <Rzeczpospolita>. Rzeczpospolita is a name which, contrary to well-established lies, cannot be translated into any other language. It appears in the form of "Rzeczpospolita" in every language of the world, unchanging, intact. It is undoubtedly a word referring to a form so sublime and at the same time banal, simple that God made it a Name Worthy of God. Fully reflecting the Character of God and what God offers Godself. Why the lands where the Polan descendants have lived for a long time?
Polans is a people who settled near forests, in clearings. Agricultural population, always <despite the baptism of Poland> devoted to the One True God and productive. As grain <"zboże"> is a word consisting of the consonant "z" and the call "god"<"boże">, it should be understood as a form of revelation.
The vocative from the word "God" <"Bóg"> is "God" <"Boże"><vocator = you call>, that the cereals are made into bread that is taken away. In other words, the descendant of Polans will receive the call, God will receive the call coming from Poland <Iskra z Polski, ang. "Gleam from Poland">, we are talking about the Genetic Monarchy Rzeczpospolita <Woman, personification of the Goddess who watches over the fire at home and family warmth. "KingDOM", "QueenDOM" from English, while the United Kingdom is "DOM", in Polish it means "Home", simply or the House of God, the Queen is the bodily personification of God on Earth, as a literal Miracle on Earth>. As follows according to the law of Karma, God intends to pass at the right time to the next body <according to God's law of Evolution and the maintenance of Life>, it can be stated that also with the law of Karma, according to the genetic mutation of the Monarch, the body of the Monarch becomes "an antene" of the call to God in order to obtain grace for the world, and thus for self living in this world. Societies take advantage of God's feeling for the Queen, making the Queen hostage to the blind mass of the world's societies, all to "hack something" by blackmailing God. Should God continue to show and bestow God grace on society?

6. "You will use the freedom that I have given you to work with me". What's that supposed to mean?

All life, including plants and animals, received from God the "free will" adequate to their evolutionary chain. It is a freedom, and more precisely a Freedom that no one comprehends and that everyone fights over. What is it then?
If you look at the facts and the Logic of God, "free will" is the ability to make your own choices. Some respond: "just that?", "What is it, jokes?"
These are no jokes and the facts that have come into being, as well as historical ones <what should be more fun>. As a rule God guides us along the so-called "straight line", there must be very special circumstances for God to direct someone on a different path. By this I want to say that if God is to give the whole world so strongly, ardently announced Dom of Heaven on Earth, which is the land of the proverbial milk and honey, God must guide us "in his own way". However, God gave "free will", in other words, subjected everyone to an examination. "I leave you and I leave My Teachings written down, however, I also leave You Free Will so that you can decide whether you are worthy to experience My Coming and My Dom, the honey and the juices of My Gardens, Meadows and Fields ..." noone did not listen God anymore, because the gleam in hearts and minds went out. However, did it go out for sure, or somewhere hidden it had been crowding for so many years to shine brighter than the Supernova Light or all the stars gathered into one, even more so. Gleam will rule all the universes and will live permanently among the people of peace.

7. What does God mean by "suffering temporal", "suffering leading to salvation"?

Some events are certain, the only question is "how?" "when?". "or in our lifetime?".
It is also certain that, according to the accounts, God will use "good people". By calling  Army of God to fight, causes God's Army to suffer. How does God know this? God knows the enemy. Good people are people devoted, obedient to God, who know their place with God and in the world, they will be exposed <not by God> to pain. These annoyances will be caused by the dark social mass, some of which have access to very large amounts of money and some power, which is very dangerous and, what is worse, they also control the social masses. This apocalyptic vision is already happening and it is getting deeper and deeper. Unfortunately.

8. "You Poles have already drunk your Goblet of Blood".

In biblical accounts, wine was passed on to society by Jesus as a symbol of blood. Wine as a symbol of blood is still practiced in churches all over the world, of many denominations. However, I am asking: has anyone asked the symbol of whose blood so literally? Jesus as who? "The questions at first glance are ridiculous, let's have a look, or for sure.
Jesus recognized himself as God, he called himself the Son of God. If he gave you the cup of the Holy Blood of God, he could potentially be considered a murderer of God had clearly announced Gods coming. God. Not Jesus. God must maintain an existential continuity to keep everything alive. Everything is made of God, so if God dies then all too. The scheme of dominoes.
If there is blood as a son of God, where such sons of God walk a few billion on Earth, as well as daughters, it should be treated as a symbol of the death of many God's children at the hands of Jesus. In other words, in both cases, Jesus committed Satanic rituals, opposed God, so Barabbas was released, and Jesus was painfully crucified. Jesus, saying "God, forgive people because they don't know what they are doing", God replied, "I will never forgive you, therefore you are never allowed to enter My House, Die and Forget. Like Jacob to God, than the same God to Jacob," King "of My Children." <With reference to Jesus as king of the Jews and his crown of thorns, and the Nation of Jacob>.
Jesus is the best documented proof that Satan can perfectly imitate God and God's Holy Spirit. But is it really? Well no. Satan is based on your weaknesses, not having yet found your Lord's Path and the like. That is why God is so pushing for education and obedience.
Each crucifix is ​​a warning for the future, and a cricical with the crucified Jesus is God's trophy and a message to everyone that sooner or later God will always protect Children, Dom and Home like also Godself. Punish anyone very severely who dares to raise Holy hand to what is God or God in self. God will always reach God's Beloved Children because God knows them best and wants only Paradise for  Children without stress, fear and poverty. It is also the reason why Judas betrayed Jesus. Judas, Judah, the symbol of the Nation of Jacob and the symbol of the Unity of the Nation of Jacob with the True God, as well as of devotion and full obedience. Such a heroic sacrifice was definitely the so-called widow's penny, a Miracle that God self could experience. When the Chosen People turned out to be Worthy of exaltation and achieving peace, Union with the One True God. This, in turn, was the reason why Hitler massively killed Jews and the Intellectual Elite without any good reason <cooperating with the Jacob Nation>. In other words, as a reward for this act, which unquestionably helped God in the War for Home and Children, decided that this Nation would strengthen the Holy Spirit and nourish the Saints of this world. History repeats itself, the only question is "how". In this case, too, there was "one for all, all for one". Thus, God achieved a Crushing Victory over Evil and began the post-war orders. However, God is worried about the question: will this story repeat itself, if so then "how"?

9. Who and what is God?

It is quite a complicated and detailed explanation takes a lot of time and also requires preparation of didactic aids please make the explanation satisfied: it is Energy, Genesis Energy.

10. What do you need to remind everyone all the time? Do you need anything at all?

Many pastors, priests and religious are sure that they all forget about such issues as: fear towards God, hierarchy towards God, God's grace must be earned, how much time it may take for God to fulfill something, and many others. It is definitely impossible to disagree with them, they are global plagues.
However, I did not meet with the search for the cause of the fact that occurred apart from translating "all are plunged into sin". Well ... okay, but you need to identify each sin, "disassemble" into its first parts to know what it is based on.
In the course of my search for answers, I discovered that the reason for this state of affairs is the lack of God among people. People are ashamed to live with God. Say "God will be angry with you whenGod finds out", "God will be very proud of you when God finds out", "God, if you ask, you will talk to God honestly, God will show you the way", "Dress up nicely, don't bring God blame " and many others. Currently, we live in times when showing unity with God, life with God is considered an example of a mental illness, only because they are driven by a feeling of shame and do not want to let God themselves, they are ashamed in front of God.
The Word wants to become flesh in every sense envisaged in God's Plan, also as a Member of every family around the world, so that when you talk over family dinner, you may wonder aloud in the family "What would God do?" or "Would God like the dinner we have, thank God?" God does not want God's Spirit to be treated like air, because it is not air. The Holy Spirit of God is a very specific energy structure and wants God's Word to be fulfilled fully.

11. Europe and the World "under the heel" of Islam. Is there anything to be afraid of?

God is a Being not described by one prince, one word, one person. God is described in many books, many texts and reports of people who have experienced God's Revelations.
Following this path, we come to the current as the only one that says that there is One God clearly and clearly, and that they are all equally Children of One True God. Therefore, the Quran says that Allah is the God of all Gods, in other words, in the Quran, the Absolute of God is told in a coded manner in the most truthful way. It does not mean that the Quran should be treated as the only source of knowledge about God. No. The Quran is also clear about education and social teaching as well as about tolerance and understanding.
God's essence is relative and absolute in every sense and in every respect.

12. The Church and the House of God, DOM. Isn't it the same?

The Church of each denominational stream is God's representative on Earth. Even the so-called Satanism if God sees the possibility of saving Children <apropos "like a Jacob to God..." from point 8>, hence it is said about the Fall of God.
In strictly defined situations, the Church is called the "House of God", although it is always God's sanctuary for the faithful, as well as for those who follow, and who seek.
The House of God is a word about a place where only God has access, although God would like the Earth to become God's Home from a True Event and not only a Creation, Parent and Host in one. There are also completely different rules in the House of God, the violation of which is punished very severely, these rules are fully respected by the Monarchy because of its Humility towards the Creator and Benefactor.

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