Piece of History
At the very beginning of the story, a very important point should be clarified,
which concerns the very name of the First Legal Governmental Movement.

In fact, Green Revolution Original is called Fusion SMART Original.
As you have already noticed on the start page, this is the largest rescue operation in history, past and future.
For whom?
For what?
For the world. Everyone and everyone.
Hence, among other things, the name Green Revolution Original.
The idea itself arose at the end of the first half of the 1990s.
Over the past two decades, Fusion SMART Original has made many successful so-called rescue operations, and is chairing the Largest World Legal and Ecological Movement. In addition, it is chaired by:
United Nations, Governments of all World Countries, World Health Organization, UNESCO, PETA Organization, GreenPeace Organization, Supreme Courts and Courts, Reserve Banks, World Bank, International Economic Forum, Food Bank, Cultural Institutions, Supreme Audit Institutions, NASA, FBI , CIA, Interpol, Police and other Police and Security Units and many other Institutions, Organizations around the World.
Over the years, Fusion SMART Original perseverance and steadfastness has led to:
- global purification of natural reservoirs from all unnatural pollutants, including those generated by humanoid mammals and the currently functioning civilization on Planet Earth;
- significant regeneration of the degenerated OZone layer;
- legalizing marijuana for medical use on every continent;
- commencing work on approving products with cocaine extract for medical purposes;
- installing the first ecological chimney filters for enterprises emitting significant amounts of harmful substances into the atmosphere / natural environment.
- start of ecological fuel production <fuel revolution>;
- start of electric car production;
- launching the 'Medi Food' global nutrition program to prevent illness and obesity;
- Emergency Animal Rescue;
- Reduction of exhaust emissions and other toxic substances to the environment and the atmosphere;
- Reducing the amount of wasted global production;
- creation of the LabMeat Original Maastricht production;
- introduction of a uniform and coherent legal system throughout the world;
- increasing the planet's energy balance by preventing it from approaching the sun;
- commencing work on the creation of Helium Planet;
- Ecological, Economic Summits;
- establishment of Peace TV [MoShna TV, Peace TV and more];
- reducing organized crime;
- legalizing the 'Viagra' formation in Mexico;
- carrying out the World Anti-Terrorism Action "AntyTerror Amsterdam";
- conducting the PETA World Promotional Marketing Action "FInd your voice for Animals";
- social evolution of "Home Campaign";
- regulating the consumption of foil products on each continent;
- increasing the use of reusable products;
- conducting internal geodetic tests on the ocean floor <geodetic wells>;
- purchase of areas threatened with extinction of natural ecosystems;
- purchase of areas endangered with extinction of lower evolutionary organisms;
- discovering the existence of bacteria 'eating' oil and oily substances <Marian Trench>;
- Establishment of the Vegetarian and Vegan Union;
- ceasing production of products using lower living organisms and / or equal orders of evolution for the needs of humanoid mammals and / or humans;
- the production of edible dishes made from organic substances;
- creation of soluble disposable packaging;
- the emergence of Molecular Therapy in Medicine;
- production and installation of the largest purification filter in the Pacific;
- carrying out one of the largest anti-terrorist operations in the Netherlands and other continents;
- production of humanoid mammal tissues in the <Maastricht> laboratory for the purposes of medical transplantation;
- emergence of ecological fluorescent plants;
- production of ecological Adidas shoes made of plastic obtained from ocean waste;
- creation of the 'Sofia' Humanoid Robot;
- withdraw cash payments from public transport in the Netherlands;
- introduction of speed limits on public roads and fast traffic, including highways up to 100 k / h;
- introducing social distance;
- introduction of the right to abortion in Israel;
- introducing the rights of people with disabilities in Malta;
- introducing women's driving licenses in the Arab League and greater access to social rights, including public rights;
- production optimization not only in quantitative but also qualitative terms;
- introduction of products based on natural ingredients not tested on humans and / or lower evolutionary organisms;
- developing revolutionary therapy for OPA Syndrome <osteoporosis, parkinson, alzheimer>;
- conducting internal control of companies and improving their functioning;
- improving the quality of life and work of temporary workers;
- unmasking the largest corruption machine in government organizations, government institutions and in public space;
- bringing the owner of The Grass Company to the Netherlands from a prison in Thailand;
- conducting a very complicated economic, economic, social, medical, anti-terrorist action around the world under the name 'Corona Virus';
- the biggest Vegan legal movement;
- and many more.
Much can happen for over two decades.
Of course, there are many more achievements.
Parallel to the conducted Government activities, many, countless marketing campaigns were carried out for educational purposes, mainly.