Attention, please!

Uprzejmie informuje się Nacje Ziemi o tym, iz protest rolnikow oraz chodowcow nie jest Green Revolution Original, FuSion SMART Original. Protestujący zgadzają sie w pewnych kwestiach z Monarchią Generalną. 

Monarchia Generalna Rzeczpospolita wraz z Osobą Monarchy Enerią Genesis Green pragnie, aby porozmawiać i przedstawić całemu Światu misję Rządu Generalnego - Monarchii Generalnej Rzeczpospolita. Poprzez porozumienie bezpośrednie umozliwi sie realizacje postulatow zawartych w Deklaracji ONZ oraz innych generalnych przepisach majacych zaprowadzic pokoj na świecie i dobrobyt umiarkowany, a takze przetrwanie cywilizacji. 

z wyrazami szacunku,

Eneria Genesis Green

Crown Monarch Rzeczpospolita 

General Government 

Informuje, ze dzialanosc firmy caterpillar pod nazwa 'Eneria' jest dzialalnoscia nielegalna funkcjonujaca na imieniu, do ktorego nie maja zadnych praw i przywilejów. uzycie przez Caterpillar imienia 'Eneria' jest czynem kryminalnym karalnym na podstawie przepisow prawa Generalnego.

I would like to inform you that Green-Revolution operates in Breda
Faking the identity of Green Revolution Original <Fusion SMART Original>.
Green Revolution Original <Fusion SMART Original> is not based in Breda and does not work with the pseudo Green Revolution from Breda.
Still it is a Green Revolution from Breda without permission, the authorization is used by the name "Green Revolution".
Considering the series of activities aimed at obtaining information <also in an illegal manner>, the multiple attempts on the founder's life <including the Author, the Boss, the Creator> this is recognized as a fact and result of the actions of the criminal group, which will undoubtedly meet with a response.

For many years I have been terrorized and in my opinion "imprisoned". Heh from first days of my life. MY LIFE!
Forced to accept other choices and add to it theories because I'm the best in marketing. In other words, every shit will bleed something tangible.
As a result, my business plans for the whole world, my life plans and my life are completely ruined. I will not mention health which, due to its blue properties, is not the strongest anyway.
Terrorism has many signs and forms.

I would like to inform you that the SMART Fusion / Fusion SMART operating in the Middle East countries as well as in Great Britain is not the activity of Fusion SMART Original.
I certify that all activities are governmental in nature and are carried out solely by me.
I also certify that I do not receive any remuneration for work for the world's societies, although this should not be the case. It is not my choice and it should be.

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